Published Letter to Canine Researchers. Linda Michaels, M.A.
Linda Michaels, M.A., Psychology, speaker and author of The Do No Harm Dog Training and Behavior Handbook, calls on canine research scientists to lead the way on the ethical treatment of companion animals.
Originally published in the Pet Professional Guild, BARKS from the Guild Magazine
Page 58 Opinion
Page 60 Opinion
Correction: Neither Canada nor Australia currently ban shock collars, however, Finland currently has a ban. The province of Quebec has fines for collars that cause pain ($600 - $12,000 for the first offence) and the province's animal safety regulations describe shock and prong collars as unacceptable and recommends against them.
Learn more about separation anxiety and its treatment in The Do No Harm Dog Training and Behavior Handbook.
Live Links/References
Associated Press (2014). Skin shocks used at Massachusetts school draw FDA investigation.
Brammeier, S., Brennan, J., Brown, S., Bryant, D., Calnon, D., Cole Stenson, T., …Seksel, K. (2006). Good trainers: How to identify one and why this is important to your practice of veterinary medicine. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 1, 47-52
Breland, K., & Breland, M. (1961). The misbehavior of organisms. American Psychologist, 16, 681-684.
Defra, Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (2010). Research Project Final Report.
Kennel Club, London. Electric Shock Collars: Countries supporting a ban.
Overall, K. L., (2007). Why electric shock is not behavior modification.Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 2, 1-4.
Overall, K. L., (2007). Considerations for shock and “training” collars: Concerns from and for the working dog community. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 2, 103-107.
Polsky, R. P., (2000). Can aggression in dogs be elicited through the use of electronic pet containment systems. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 3, 345-357.
Seligman, M.E.P., & Maier, S.F. (1967). "Failure to escape traumatic shock". Journal of Experimental Psychology 74: 1–9.